Our Role assisting Clients in Expropriation Matters
In an expropriation matter, it is essential that business loss experts and valuators be familiar with the Expropriation Act, and be considered an expert in calculating disturbance damages, business losses and business valuations. We offer a team that is composed of chartered accountants and chartered business valuators, that have extensive experience in the quantification of expropriation claims for municipalities, Authorities and claimants. Our team includes the past president and current director of the Ontario Expropriation Association.
We have provided expert testimony in front of both the Ontario Superior Courts and the Ontario Municipal Board on a number of occasions. In addition, we have participated in mediations, arbitrations and assisted counsel in preparation for Examination for Discovery, hearings, and trials, including cross-examination.
Our Experience
Our team members have worked on some of the larger projects undertaken by municipalities including:
- Sheppard Subway (see decision re Dr. Linden )
- Yonge/Dundas Redevelopment
- Norwich Block / Richmond Landing
- Road widenings, highway extensions, sewer replacement and median construction (see decisions re Venmar Bakery (Peel), Minuteman Press (Windsor) and Medicine Cup ( Windsor )).
In addition to our experience described above, we have assisted in developing expropriation conferences and have given numerous presentations and papers to the legal, municipal and corporate communities on expropriation related matters.
Contact us for more information